Home - Programming

And all things computer... But first, a requisite link to The Cybertao

Coming soon...
  • Silverboat
  • Linux Experiences
  • React: What a mess
  • Spring + Hibernate
  • Web services: The basics (Cockpit, MySQL, Tomcat, etc.)
  • Migrating from hardware RAID to software RAID


Another long pause. There has been a LOT going on. So much to write about, no time to write. I'll spend a little time updating this, then I'll try to keep up with it because some of the stuff will hopefully be useful to someone.

.NET Assembly Hell - System.Net.Http
The continuing Silverboat saga


It's been a long time. I hope to pick this up again and use it to convey some of my experiences in the hopes someone will find it useful.

Delphi Remote Debugging
Indy Components -- dead?


This year was a huge year of change. Several companies I worked with went under or changed direction, and I started relationships with new companies that required extensive onboarding. Some of that happened without much fanfare, and some of it was stressful. And before I knew it, the year had flown by and it was now 2023...


COVID struck, and for a year I was scrambling on a number of projects, all centered around either helping companies deal with COVID restrictions or helping retailers get their online stores up and running as fast as possible just so their businesses could survive. Along the way, various family members fell ill, and two of our elders died. It was a crazy time, and at the end of every day, I was too wiped out to even think about keeping this up. I sincerely hope you all came out the other side okay.


Multi-tenancy in cloud database applications
Agile: My love-hate relationship with over-engineered process
When NOT to take a project, example #1
When NOT to take a project, example #2
Business advice for the independent contractor: billing
Delphi: buh-bye


... Hey, it was a busy year, whaddaya want, huh?


Server Side Java
"Multiple-step operation generated errors"
Why I Won't Be Implementing PATCH


Crap services
Java: Struts2 REST
XSLT Testing
REST vs. not-REST
ASUS vs. Linksys


Video Editors
Windows: Can't open a port. Need to see what process has the port open.
Delphi: TBlobStream.Create fails with "Invalid typecast"
Delphi: JCL error during compile, "Expected ':' but an identifier found"
Delphi: Where it went so, so wrong...


"The type or namespace name 'Oracle' could not be found"
Linksys Smart Wi-Fi


Chilkat Encryption Libraries
Dell Inspiron 15, 3000 Series
ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 tests not running
IDTech Swipe Won't Work
Where Delphi Went Off the Tracks
JVM terminated: Exit code=13
Graphics Done Right


HP Printers: Complete Crap
Graphics Done Right


Android Fragment Frustration

Todd Grigsby